
6. March 2023
<p>How does superconductivity break down with high doping? Our new paper in Nature Materials shines some light on the issue.


18. December 2022
<p>Willem defends his PhD. Contratulations!


23. May 2022
<p>Two new papers on arXiv! One on persistent gaps and non-mean-field breakdown of SC, and one on shot-noise of individual (putative) Majorana modes.


17. March 2022
<p>Milan wins an ERC CoG grant! See Leiden news.


29. October 2021
<p>Our new paper, on Cooper pairs above Tc, is published in Science. See SRON news, TU Delft news, Leiden news, Physics World.


1. October 2021
<p>Maialen will join us within a collaboration with the Swart Lab – welcome Maialen!


15. September 2021
<p>Amber will join us with Casimir-Nanofront PhD fellowship – welcome Amber!


28. June 2021
<p>Welcome Jinwon!


16. March 2021
<p>Koen wrote about his research in EurophysicsNews (page 12).


16. February 2021
<p>Our new paper on twisted bilayer graphene from our Leiden-ICFO collaboration in PRR.


22. January 2021
<p>Koen wins the Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa prize for best physics thesis of the Netherlands!


21. January 2021
<p>New paper on arXiv, on Cooper pairs above Tc


16. January 2021
<p>Our YSR paper is out, in collaboration with Copenhagen.


08. December 2020
<p>Our new paper is out, in collaboration with the groups of Baumberger, Perry and Mackenzie.


02. November 2020
<p>Maarten’s paper is published in Microsyst Nanoeng.


15. October 2020
<p>Welcome Jiasen!


29. September 2020
<p>TGB paper (led by ICFO and Geneva) is in Nature Physics! See also coverage by Dorine Schenk in NRC


14. September 2020
<p>Maarten’s paper is published in PRB.


18. March 2020
<p>LION made a nice video about Koen and his research.


8. January 2020
<p>Irene wins </i>discoverer of the year</i> by the faculty of Science! (Press release)!


10. December 2019
<p>Koen defends his PhD with a cum laude (top 5%)!


5. September 2019
<p>The noise doubling paper is published in Phys. Rev. B!


25. August 2019
<p>Doohee got an assistant professor job at Yonsei University!


25. July 2019
<p>The inhomogeneous superfluid paper is published in Nature!


15. July 2019
<p>We imaged the doubling of shot noise due to Andreev reflections in a STM, posted on arXiv.


24. May 2019
<p>The smart tip paper is finally published ! A collaboration with the Gröblacher Lab at TU Delft.


08. May 2019
<p>Irene defends her PhD!


08. May 2019
<p>Dome makes it on the University website.


13. December 2018
<p>Our paper about how to construct an STM is in Review of Scientific Instruments.


08. October 2018
<p>We discovered charge trapping in a high-Tc superconductor! Publication in Nature Physics.


27. September 2018
<p>Our MHz amplifier for STM is published in Review of Scientific Instruments.


16. May 2018
<p>Milan, Koen and Irene talk about superconductivity in Made in Leiden.


4. May 2018
<p>Welcome Ram!


5.-9. March 2018
<p>Irene and Milan are at the March Meeting (Talk Tue 10am, session E45)


13. November 2017
<p> New paper published in collaboration with the group of Jan van Ruitenbeek


10. November 2017
<p>Doohee makes the third place at the LION Image Award.


9. October 2017
<p>We contributed to Miguel and Jan’s new paper.


12. August 2017
<p>We got an ERC starting grant.


10. August 2017
<p>Our paper is published in SciPost Physics.


17. - 21. July 2017
<p>Milan wins the Bryan R. Coles prize at SCES 2017, Prague. Koen received the best poster presentation award.


17. - 21. July 2017
<p>Koen, Maarten and Milan will be at SCES 2017, Prague. Come check out our posters on Tuesday&Thursday and talk on Thursday!


18. June 2017
<p>Paper on poor electronic screening published in PRB as Editors’ selection!


15. May 2017
<p>Welcome Doohee!


13. - 17. March 2017
<p>Koen & Irene give talks at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans.


27. January - 3. March 2017
<p>We are looking forward to co-hosting the workshop on unconventional superconductivity at the Lorentz center.


17-18. January 2017
<p>Irene, Koen, Maarten and Milan will be at Physics@Veldhoven 2017. (Talk at PT6.1 and poster at P9.022).


25. November 2016
<p>We are part of a newly granted Vrije Programma on strange metals, together with the groups of Hussey, Golden, vHeumen, Zaanen, Schalm, Stoof and Vandoren, see press release. We also got a Projectruimte.


19. September 2016
<p> Our first paper from Leiden is online at Nature Physics!


12. September 2016
<p>Koen is at Correl16, Julich.


01. July 2016
<p>Milan is at the strongly correlated electron GRC 2016.


24. June 2016
<p>Felix Baumberger is visiting.


17. June 2016
<p>Irene is at SNS2016.


28. April 2016
<p> Our results on the Mott & pseudo gap physics posted on arXiv !


14. May 2016
<p>Ivan Bozovic is visiting.


17. March 2016
<p>Koen, Irene & Vitaly present a poster at Sun Sailing Science.


17. Jan 2016
<p>We discover electronic order and pseudogap in a non-cuprate materal!


01. Jan 2016
<p>Welcome Vitaly!


17. June 2015
<p>Welcome Kees!


17. June 2015
<p>Maarten wins the LION image award! Check out his submission.


17. June 2015
<p> We win a Vidi grant: 800kEUR to invest in science! (Leiden news, FOM news item)


01. Sept 2015
<p>Welcome Koen and Maarten: from Master- to PhD-students


17. June 2015
<p>We got our commercial STM from Unisoku, and we are already busy modifying.


01. Jan 2015
<p>Welcome Irene, Gijsbert & Milan — our lab is officially starting!
