
Group highlights

At the end of this page, you can find the full list of publications and patents.

DPVI: A Dynamic-Weight Particle-Based Variational Inference Framework

In this paper, we propose to dynamically adjust particles’ weights according to a Fisher-Rao reaction flow. We develop a general Dynamic-weight Particle-based Variational Inference (DPVI) framework according to a novel continuous composite flow, which evolves the positions and weights of particles simultaneously.

Chao Zhang, Zhijian Li, Hui Qian, Xin Du

arXiv:2112.00945 (2021)

SIGMA: A Structural Inconsistency Reducing Graph Matching Algorithm

We propose a novel criterion to measure the graph matching accuracy, structural inconsistency (SI), which is defined based on the network topological structure.

Weijie Liu, Chao Zhang, Nenggan Zheng, Hui Qian

arXiv:2202.02797 (2022)

Efficient cross-device federated learning algorithms for minimax problems

We propose the first theoretically guaranteed algorithms for general minimax problems in the cross-device federated learning setting.

Weijie Liu, Chao Zhang, Nenggan Zheng, Hui Qian

arXiv:2202.02797 (2022)

Hessian aided policy gradient

This paper presents a Hessian aided policy gradient method with the first improved sample complexity of $O ({1}/{\epsilon^ 3}) $.

Zebang Shen, Alejandro Ribeiro, Hamed Hassani, Hui Qian, Chao Mi

International conference on machine learning (2019)

Efficient Cross-Device Federated Learning Algorithms for Minimax Problems

We propose the first theoretically guaranteed algorithms for general minimax problems in the cross-device federated learning setting.

Jiahao Xie, Chao Zhang, Zebang Shen, Weijie Liu, Hui Qian

arXiv:2105.14216 (2021)



Full List of publications

DPVI: A Dynamic-Weight Particle-Based Variational Inference Framework
Chao Zhang, Zhijian Li, Hui Qian, Xin Du
arXiv:2112.00945 (2021)

SIGMA: A Structural Inconsistency Reducing Graph Matching Algorithm
Weijie Liu, Chao Zhang, Nenggan Zheng, Hui Qian
arXiv:2202.02797 (2022)

Efficient cross-device federated learning algorithms for minimax problems
Weijie Liu, Chao Zhang, Nenggan Zheng, Hui Qian
arXiv:2202.02797 (2022)

Hessian aided policy gradient
Zebang Shen, Alejandro Ribeiro, Hamed Hassani, Hui Qian, Chao Mi
International conference on machine learning (2019)

Efficient Cross-Device Federated Learning Algorithms for Minimax Problems
Jiahao Xie, Chao Zhang, Zebang Shen, Weijie Liu, Hui Qian
arXiv:2105.14216 (2021)